Outlines for thesis presentation

Residents are required to submit ‘Thesis’ as the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in General Surgery.

Departmental thesis presentation

Thesis presentation in the department is scheduled as follows:
(All presentations are scheduled in alphabetical order of the name of presenter)

a. First Year:
i. Asoj: Sept/ Oct Thesis topic selection
ii. Kartik: Oct/Nov Thesis presentation (Abstract, Introduction)
b. Second year:
i. Baishak: Apr/May Preliminary presentation ( Methodology
c. Third year:
i. Asoj: Sept/Oct Thesis presentation

During thesis presentation, each student is required to submit at least 3 feasible Topics in Power point presentation. Each presentation should be structured properly.

Clearance from IRC (Institutional review committee)

The Thesis should be cleared from the  ‘IRC’ after the department has accepted it.

Recommended Thesis format
1. Length
Limits should be observed as closely as possible, not to exceed, 12,000 words.
2. Format
The text should be typewritten on one side only of A4 paper in ‘Times New Roman’ font, size 12.
Margin at binding edge should not be less than 40mm and other margins not less than 20mm, both for type and diagrams/images.
One-and-a-half spacing should be used. All pages, including preliminaries and appendices should be numbered. While all pages are counted, not all carry a typed number, i.e. the title page, contents page.
Page numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of the page and about 20mm above the edge of the page
2. Binding

The submitted final thesis should be bound with boards. The binding should be of a fixed kind in which leaves are permanently secured. The boards shall have a sufficient rigidity to support the weight of the work when standing on a shelf. The thesis is to be hard-bound in black with plain gold lettering.
The cover should include the following:

 Thesis Title
Student’s Name

4. Copies
In total 6 copies of the hard cover thesis should be submitted to the department, one each for the Guide and the Co-guide; one for the Library; one for the Department; two for the Campus.
The copy of the thesis submitted is retained by the Department and the Maharajgunj Campus, Institute of Medicine and cannot be borrowed or exchanged. After examination, one copy of every thesis will normally be retained in the library. The student may retain an additional copy of the thesis.
Each copy should be duly signed by the author as well as the Guide and Co- guide.
5. Organization of Materials
a. Title Page
List information in the following order:
Title of thesis
A Thesis submitted to Tribhuvan University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Masters in General Surgery
Name of the student
b. Certificate Page:

Signed by the preceptor

This is to certify that the work contained in the thesis entitled,‘title’ has been carried out by ‘author’ under my direct supervision and guidance. All the investigations in
connection with this work have been done by the candidate and are genuine.
c . Declaration
Declaration of Own Work signed by the author
I hereby declare that the present thesis entitled,‘title’, is my original work accomplished as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Master of General Surgery under the supervision of ‘preceptor’.
Furthermore, I authorize Tribhuvan University to reproduce this thesis by any means;
mechanical or electronic, in part or as a whole , at the request of any individual or institute for the purpose of scholarly research.
c. Acknowledgements
Only persons and organizations who actually aided research (not typist, parents, etc.)
should be mentioned in a scholarly manner, without sentimentality or humour.
d. Table of Contents
Complete list of contents including, list of illustrations, and headings of chapters or brief indication of their contents, appendices, and bibliography together with page numbers should be mentioned.
e. List of Illustrations
This should include title and page numbers locating each image.
f. Abstract
Abstract page should have the following headings ‘Background’, ‘Patients and Methods’, ‘Results’, ‘ Conclusions’.
It should not have more than 500 words.
g. Background
It should include an outline of the main argument and literature review. There should be adequate elaboration of the tools used in methodology with proper references.
h. Aims and Objectives
General and specific objectives of the study should be mentioned.

g. Patients and Methods
It should include ‘Study Design’, Sample size calculation and Sampling’, Inclusion and
exclusion criteria’, ‘Methodology’, ‘Study outcomes’ and ‘Statistical analysis’ etc
i. Results
It should elaborate the finding with proper references to tables and figures.
j. Discussion

This should be pertinent to the study and based on recent studies. You should try to
compare your results with other studies.
k. Conclusion
It should be short and be able to project a message to the reader.
l. Appendices
Glossary, detailed data, technical information, questionnaires or the full text of an
interview may be included here. Appendices should be named alphabetically and should be numbered in sequence with the rest of the pages of the text
m. References

6. Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation and Acronyms
The text should be checked for grammar and spelling. All acronyms should be spelled out the first time they are used.